National FORUM Journals
A family of scholarly, refereed, peer reviewed, professional journals on the leading edge of academic excellence.

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Books Available From National FORUM Journals

A Statistical Journal: Taming of the Skew!

By Dr. Donald F. DeMoulin & Dr. William Allan Kritsonis
The purpose of this book is to introduce students and research proletarians to the concepts and applications of statistics. Emphasis is placed on hands-on applications, analyses, and interpretations of statistical experiments. The underlying objective, therefore, is to present statistical procedures in a down-to-earth manner in order to minimize the hysteria associated with statistics.



A Statistical Journal: Taming of the Skew!

CD-ROM of Book and Teaching Power Points
By Dr. Donald F. DeMoulin & Dr. William Allan Kritsonis
The Companion CD-ROM introduces students and research proletarians to the concepts and applications of statistics. Emphasis is placed on hands-on applications, analyses, and interpretations of statistical experiments. The underlying objective, therefore, is to present statistical procedures in a down-to-earth manner in order to minimize the hysteria associated with statistics.

Research (Practical Applications)

By William Allan Kritsonis, PhD
The purpose of this attempt is to provide content and knowledge in the area of research for students at both the master’s and doctoral levels. The book features practical applications of research and basic statistics. It also contains fundamental terms that are easy to understand.
 ISBN: 0-9770013-4-2 (157 Pages)

Ways of Knowing Through the Realms of Meaning

By William Allan Kritsonis, PhD
Ways of Knowing Through the Realms of Meaning (858 pgs.) covers the range of possible meanings for every person.  A complete person should be skilled in the use of speech, symbol, and gesture (symbolics), factually well informed (empirics), capable of creating and appreciating objects of esthetic significance (esthetics), endowed with a rich and disciplined life in relation to self and others (synnoetics), and able to make wise decisions and judge between right and wrong (ethics), and possessed of an integral outlook (synoptics).
Ways of Knowing Through the Realms of Meaning by William Allan Kritsonis, PhD is a thoughtful book and plausible response to emerging national curricular content standards and new forms of national assessment.  The chief value of the book is heuristic – a teaching method that encourages learners to discover solutions for themselves

School Discipline The Art of Survival

By William Allan Kritsonis, PhD
School Discipline - The Art of Survival is intended for teachers, parents, principals, superintendents, school board members, counselors, supervisors, consultants, professors and many others interested in improving education. The book contains practical ideas and is easy to understand and implement because of the effective techniques used. The illustrations add to the ideas presented in the book by providing deeper meaning to the text.
 Because the way the book is written, School Discipline - The Art of Survival is useful to the experienced educator or the beginner. It provides the basic principles for the novice, and the practical application for the educator with experience. This book is particularly recommended as a supplementary text at the college level for either the undergraduate or the graduate student.


By William Allan Kritsonis, PhD
WILLIAM KRITSONIS, PhD on SCHOOLING is intended for teachers, parents, principals, school board members, supervisors, consultants,  professors, community leaders, and many others interested in improving schools in America and internationally.
Because of the way the book is written, WILLIAM KRITSONIS, PhD on SCHOOLING is useful to the experienced educator or the beginner.  This text is particularly recommended as a resource for public and private school educators as well as a text at the college level.
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Copyright © 2017 [NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS]. All rights reserved. Revised: 04/03/17.